What is Acupressure Massage?

Acupressure is a specific type of massage that relies primarily on using the thumbs, fingers and palms to apply pressure to various points on the body. Therapists may use various rhythms, pressures and techniques in the practice. Shiatsu massage is a style of acupressure therapy.

By applying pressure to specific points of the body, practitioners manipulate the flow of chi (qi) energy in the patient. Acupressure points — or acupoints — are locations on the body where chi may become congested or completely blocked. Acupressure massage is a natural holistic technique to address blockages that may be causing additional health problems.

Different types of points

When a therapist is using the acupressure massage technique, they target either local points or trigger points. What is the difference between these two types of points? Local points are the actual spots on the body where the patient is experiencing pain or discomfort. Trigger points are those that are connected to the points of the body experiencing pain or discomfort. These two types of points the practitioner multiple avenues from to approach a patient’s problem, a benefit of the practice.

The points used in acupressure massage exist among a network or meridians, which are basically the highways on which chi flows throughout the body. Sometimes pressure is needed at these points to clear up blockages and help ensure a healthy, balanced and harmonious flow of energy through the meridians.

The benefits of Acupressure

Along with its ability to help treat variety of ailments, patients experience additional benefits of acupressure massage. It’s a deeply relaxing experience and — like other types of massage — can help with:

Relieving stress, tension and anxiety

Improving sleep

Relaxing muscles and joints

Soothing the pain and discomfort of a sports or other injury

Reducing digestive issues

Minimizing headaches

Alleviating chronic pain

The therapy stimulates the body’s circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal systems. It also helps the function of the immune system and the body’s natural ability to heal itself.