
Can hair loss be reversed?

Can hair loss be reversed

Hair loss is a common topic in every society that has different aspects for different people. For example, some men believe that baldness is a sign of masculinity and makes a person attractive. Also, some women do not stress at all if they suffer from hair loss and it does not matter to them because they can make it look completely natural by applying makeup and changing their hairstyle. But instead, some seek treatment for hair loss. Of course, hair loss is not always permanent and, in many cases, it is reversible.

mesotherapy for hair loss

Some causes of temporary hair loss

How do you know when and how to treat hair loss? To answer this question, let us mention some temporary hair loss:

  • Hair thinning

Hair thinning is often seen in women. This type of thinning does not occur suddenly and all at once but is gradual. In these cases, the person’s diet should be reviewed by a doctor. The diet should include sufficient nutrients, proteins and vitamins essential for the body and hair growth. The doctor may also require the person to perform some tests to measure hormonal disorders.

  • Stretching baldness

The stretching baldness, which occurs mainly due to the pressure of the hair by clips and glaze, is very common among women, especially in people who have curly hair. Sometimes there is an obsession in some people that makes them toy with their hair and damage the hair follicles and causes hair loss, which is usually common in people under 17 years.

  • Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is usually quickly diagnosed by a doctor because it has small pieces the size of a coin on the scalp, eyebrows or beard. The number of these pieces is variable and sometimes it may be only one piece, although more of these fallen pieces is not a sign of deterioration.

  • Hereditary baldness

Hereditary hair loss is related to a person’s genetic issues, and if a person lives in a family with a history of baldness, they are more likely to suffer from this type of hair loss.

Hair loss treatment

Newer treatments for androgenic hair loss or telogen hair loss include injecting some medications into the scalp. In this treatment, called mesotherapy, various drugs including different B vitamins and various growth factors effective in strengthening hair follicles are periodically injected into the scalp at the discretion of a dermatologist. In many cases, this will help stop severe hair loss and thicken thinning hair. This treatment is started weekly and then the injection intervals are increased. Today, with the advancement of technology, mesotherapy drugs are entering the field of hair loss reveres.

Nice woman hair after mesotherapy hair

Another method that has recently been mentioned in scientific congresses is the use of injections to strengthen hair follicles and treat androgenic hair loss. Some physicians have referred to it as a definitive treatment with only one injection, but this claim is not true and re-injection is needed to achieve the therapeutic goal.

Another important point is that these injections are not beneficial for everyone. Some drugs, such as aspirin, which disrupt platelet function, can counteract the effects of this method, and this method is banned in some diseases, such as autoimmune diseases or in patients with malignancies.

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