
Carboxytherapy for Skin Rejuvenation

Carboxytherapy for Skin Rejuvenation

What is Carboxytherapy?

The mechanism of the human body is such that it expels excess carbon dioxide from the body through blood circulation, this technique is used in the carboxytherapy method, which by injecting carbon dioxide causes the balance of the existing carbon dioxide to be disturbed and Blood circulation increases to remove excess carbon dioxide.

Carboxytherapy is one of the new methods of skin rejuvenation which is a non-invasive procedure that does not require surgery.
Carboxytherapy is performed by using a special device and injecting carbon dioxide under the skin.
The injections are done by a doctor or nurse under the supervision of an anesthesiologist.
t is used in the treatment of cellulite (cellulite means the accumulation of fat under the skin), hollows under the eyes, removing wrinkles and stretch marks and other skin conditions.
In this Therapy method uses carbon dioxide gas and oxygen in order to create an environment where new cells can grow.
It helps rejuvenate the skin by stimulating collagen production, which restores elasticity and firmness.

Which parts of the body can use Carboxytherapy?

Carboxytherapy can be used in different parts of the body such as eyelids, neck, face, hands, stomach, buttocks and legs.
Carboxytherapy delivers carbon dioxide gas to the skin. It is used to treat the skin and is said to improve the appearance of aged, sun-damaged, or acne-prone skin.

benefits of Carboxytherapy

  • This method is safe and has almost no side effects
  • Can be used on all parts of the body, including eyelids, face, hands and hips, etc.
  • The time of each session is 15 to 30 minutes

It works because carbon dioxide is an important element in the body’s natural healing process.
When injected into tissue, it stimulates blood flow and speeds up cell metabolism.
This stimulates new blood vessels so that more oxygen can reach damaged tissue.
Carboxytherapy also helps relieve chronic pain by stimulating cells to release naturally occurring endorphins which are natural painkillers that exist in the human body.

Applications of carboxytherapy

  • Eliminate cellulite and obesity
  • Treatment of boils
  • Relative treatment of alopecia
  • Treatment of dark circles around the eyes
  • Removing skin tears caused by obesity and pregnancy (stretch marks)
  • Treatment of wrinkles on the face and around the eyes
  • Treatment of burns, acne and surgery
  • Skin ulcers
  • Treatment of sagging skin
  • Raynaud’s phenomenon
  • Psoriasis treatment
  • Treatment of recurrent eczema
  • Rejuvenation of the back of the hand, chest and neck
  • Treatment of wrinkles around the mouth and laugh line

What people are prohibited from using carboxytherapy?

  • Patients with renal failure
  • Women who are pregnant
  • Cancer patients
  • People with severe anemia
  • Epilepsy patients
  • Patients with brain disease
  • Patients with glaucoma

What are the side effects of carboxytherapy?

Carboxytherapy does not have many side effects. You may experience side effects only after the injection. It should be noted that the mentioned side effects were temporary and after a few hours and over time, the side effects of carboxytherapy will disappear without the need for special treatment.

Some of these complications include:

  • Pain and redness at the injection site
  • Feeling hot after carboxytherapy
  • Bruising at the injection site
  • Hissing sound from the skin

How is the treatment with carboxytherapy?

Treatment depends on the type of use and treatment location. But the method of using carboxytherapy is almost the same.
In this technique, we use a carbon dioxide gas capsule that is connected to a gas flow regulating device with a plastic tube. Using this device, your doctor very carefully controls the amount of gas entering the body.
Carbon dioxide enters the regulator from the capsule and then enters a sterile tube with a filter at the end. This filter absorbs all the remaining impurities so that they do not enter the body.
The gas will pass through the filter and enter a very fine needle. Using this needle, the doctor sends carbon dioxide gas under your skin.

Is carboxytherapy painful?

Before carboxytherapy, a special anesthesia cream is used. During the treatment, you may notice a degree of pressure, itching, burning or heat, none of which cause much pain and are tolerable. The needle used to inject carbon dioxide is very thin.
In addition, if the doctor has the necessary skill and expertise to perform this operation, he knows very well in which area of ​​the body the needle should be inserted in order to minimize the pain and reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
This is why you should go to the best centers with the best doctors to perform any cosmetic procedure, however small.

How many sessions are needed for carboxytherapy?

The number of carboxy therapy treatment sessions is different according to the type of treatment.
For example, the number of carboxytherapy sessions for the treatment of stretch marks within four to ten sessions at an interval of 1 week will have many effective results.
Therefore, to get accurate information about the number of treatment sessions, it is better to consult a good skin and hair specialist.

How much does carboxytherapy cost?

The price of carboxytherapy depends on various factors, including:

  • The size of the desired area for carboxytherapy
  • Number of sessions required
  • Aggravation of skin problems
  • Location of the clinic
  • Doctor’s skill and expertise
  • Technology and type of device used


Can carboxytherapy be used to remove boils?

Carboxy therapy can also be used for boils, depending on the type of effect left on the skin by the boil, the result will be different, and the use of carboxyl will be at the discretion of the specialist doctor.

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