Active ingredients
Piperonyl Glucose: A product of enzymatic transfer reaction, it is able to relieve both temporary flushes and persistent redness that results in calm feeling in your skin.
Sea Whip: An active ingredient of a renewable marine organism native to Caribbean Sea, the gorgonian extract is a calming compound that cools inflammation and eliminates redness. The resulting skin becomes evenly clear.
Hinokitiol (Beta-Thujaplicin): obtained from western red cedar tree, it is a superpower compound with more than 100 scientific proof able to sooth your skin. It is an anti-irritant and anti-oxidants that eliminates redness and blemishes of your skin leaving behind a clearly bright and calm complexion.
Organic Sunflower Seed Oil Unsaponifiables: An extract of Sustainably-sourced sunflower seed oil, it is a concentrate of specialized molecules of linoleic acid that restores the natural lipid barrier and soothes your skin. The result is highly moisturized skin that feels smooth and looks glowing.
Aloe: Obtained from Aloe Vera plant, it can hold water and deeply moisturize your skin at all levels. It is rich with water, vitamins, minerals and amino acids to optimally nourish your skin without irritating it with residue or inflammation. Your skin will be healed and restored quickly and efficiently.